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Naslov Aortic valve replacement vs. conservative treatment in asymptomatic severe aortic stenosis: long-term follow-up of the AVATAR trial (Article; Early Access)
Autori Banovic Marko D Putnik Svetozar M ... Velicki Lazar U  ... Tomovic Sara Busic Ivan Bojanic Milica Ristic Arsen D  Klasnja Andrea Matkovic Milos  Boskovic Nikola Zivic Katarina Jovanovic Miodrag ... (broj koautora 28) 
Info EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL, (2024), vol. br. , str. -
Projekat VZW Cardiovascular Research Center, Aalst, Belgium
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Naslov Multiscale modeling uncovers 7q11.23 copy number variation-dependent changes in ribosomal biogenesis and neuronal maturation and excitability (Article)
Autori Mihailovich Marija  ...  (broj koautora 28) 
Info JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION, (2024), vol. 134 br. 14, str. -
Projekat European Institute of Oncology (IEO) Genomic Unit team; IEO Imaging Facility team; University of Perugia; University of Antwerp; University of Sheffield; Center for Regenerative Medicine of Boston University; Telethon Biobank
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Naslov Certification of the total element mass fractions in UME EnvCRM 03 soil sample via a joint research project (Apr, 10.1007/s00769-024-01597-8, 2024) (Correction; Early Access)
Autori Isleyen Alper ... Gazevic Luka Milosevic Milena ... (broj koautora 28) 
Info ACCREDITATION AND QUALITY ASSURANCE, (2024), vol. br. , str. -
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Naslov Genetic and Phenotypic Evaluation of European Maize Landraces as a Tool for Conservation and Valorization of Agrobiodiversity (Article)
Autori Balconi Carlotta ... Andjelkovic Violeta B  ...  Kravic Natalija B  ... (broj koautora 28)  
Info BIOLOGY-BASEL, (2024), vol. 13 br. 6, str. -
Projekat German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture [GenRes 2019-2]
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Naslov Certification of the total element mass fractions in UME EnvCRM 03 soil sample via a joint research project (Article; Early Access)
Autori Isleyen Alper ... Gazevic Luka Milosevic Milena ... (broj koautora 28) 
Info ACCREDITATION AND QUALITY ASSURANCE, (2024), vol. br. , str. -
Projekat European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research [14RPT03-EnvCRM]
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Naslov Predictions for the sPHENIX physics program (Article)
Autori Belmonta Ron ... Djordjevic Magdalena R ... (broj koautora 28) 
Info NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, (2024), vol. 1043 br. , str. -
Projekat Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL); RIKEN-BNL Research Center (RBRC); U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science [DE-SC0012704, DE-FG02-03ER41244, DE-SC0013470, DE-AC02-05CH11231]; National Science Foundation (NSF) [1848162, PHY-1945471, 2111046, OAC-2004571]; European Research Council [ERC-2016-COG: 725741]; Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia; European Research Council project [ERC-2018-ADG-835105 YoctoLHC, CEX2020-001035-M, CEX2019-000918-M]; Spanish Research State Agency [PID2020-119632GB-I00, PID2019-105614GB-C21]; Xunta de Galicia; Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany's Excellence Strategy [EXC 2181/1-390900948, SFB 1225, FL 736/3-1]; P2IO LabEx [ANR-10-LABX-0038, ANR-11-IDEX-0003-01]; Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) , France; US Department of Energy; LDRD program at Los Alamos National Laboratory; European Union [754496]; Research Corporation for Scientific Advancement (RCSA); LDRD program at LANL; U.S. Department of Energy [89233218CNA000001]; NSFC [11935007, 11861131009, 11890714]
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Naslov Taxanes for the treatment of breast cancer during pregnancy: an international cohort study (Article)
Autori Guajardo Ana S Ferrigno ... Susnjar Snezana V  ... (broj koautora 28) 
Info JNCI-JOURNAL OF THE NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE, (2024), vol. 116 br. 2, str. 239-248
Projekat Italian Association for Cancer Research ("Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro", AIRC) [MFAG 2020 ID 24698]
Ispravka Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati: Web of Science  
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Naslov Are Ultrasound Salivary Parenchymal Abnormalities More Severe in Primary Sjogren Patients with a Higher Disease Duration ? A Cross-sectional International Study (Meeting Abstract)
Autori Tison Alice ... Milic Vera D ... (broj koautora 28) 
Info ARTHRITIS & RHEUMATOLOGY, (2023), vol. 75 br. , Suppl. 9, str. 2691-2692
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Naslov BASS. XLII. The Relation between the Covering Factor of Dusty Gas and the Eddington Ratio in Nearby Active Galactic Nuclei (Article)
Autori Ricci Claudio ... Stalevski Marko  ... (broj koautora 28) 
Info ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, (2023), vol. 959 br. 1, str. -
Projekat National Science Foundation of China; National Key R&D Program of China; China Manned Space Project; Fondecyt Regular; ANID BASAL; NASA through ADAP; Israel Science Foundation; European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union [11721303, 11991052, 12011540375, 12233001]; Fondecyt [2022YFF0503401]; Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute under the RD program [CMS-CSST-2021-A04, CMS-CSST-2021-A06]; National Research Foundation of Korea [1230345]; RIN MIUR 2017 [FB210003]; Baryon Life Cycle of Galaxies [NNH16CT03C]; ANID-Millennium Science Initiative Program [1849/19]; CATA-Basal [950533]; Nucleo Milenio [3220516, 1200495, ICN12_009, ACE210002]; Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia [3210157]; Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia [1190818]; [2022-1-868-04]; [NRF-2020R1C1C1005462]; [2017PH3WAT]; [NCN_058]; [PROMIS 6060916]; [451-03-9/2023-14/200002]
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Naslov Are Ultrasound Salivary Parenchymal Abnormalities More Severe in Primary Sjogren Patients with a Higher Disease Duration? a Transversal International Study (Meeting Abstract)
Autori Tison Alice ... Milic Vera D ... (broj koautora 28) 
Info ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES, (2023), vol. 82 br. , Suppl. 1, str. 1081-1081
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