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Autori: Luedtke Jennifer A

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Naslov Ongoing declines for the world's amphibians in the face of emerging threats (Article)
Autori Luedtke Jennifer A ...  Crnobrnja-Isailovic Jelka M  ... (broj koautora 123) 
Info NATURE, (2023), vol. 622 br. 7982, str. 308-+
Projekat IUCN Species Survival Commission; Alashan SEE Foundation grant The IUCN Red List Workshop for Chinese Amphibian Species; Detroit Zoological Society grant Catalyzing Amphibian Conservation in Honduras; Detroit Zoological Society; Dilmah Conservation grant Updating the IUCN Red List Assessments for the Amphibians of Sri Lanka; Honolulu Zoo grant Support to Amphibian Conservation in Southeast Asia; IUCN Red List Committee; Critical Biodiversity Information for Decision-Making; NatureServe grant Andean Species-level Indicators; Rainforest Trust grant Identifying Priority Sites for the Most Threatened Amphibian Species; Amphibian Survival Alliance; IUCN SSC Chair's Office; Red List Technical Working Group
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