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Autori: Nunez Manchon Judit

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Naslov Immortalized human myotonic dystrophy type 1 muscle cell lines to address patient heterogeneity (Article)
Autori Nunez Manchon Judit ... Pesovic Jovan ...  Savic-Pavicevic Dusanka Lj  ... (broj koautora 16) 
Info ISCIENCE, (2024), vol. 27 br. 6, str. -
Projekat Instituto de Salud Carlos III [PI18/00713, PI22/00104]; AFM-Telethon [21108, 24757, 23557]; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion [PID2020-118730RB-I00, PID2020-119780RB-I00]; MICIU/AEI [CPP2022-009960, CNS2022-135519]; European UnionNextGenerationEU/PRTR; Departamento de Salud del Gobierno Vasco [2022111045]; IDEA Grant - Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia [7754217 - READ-DM1]; Fondos FEDER; Instituto de Salud Carlos III I-PFIS fellowship [IFI20/00022]; Miguel Servet research contract (Instituto de Salud Carlos III) [CPII19/00021]; Rio Hortega Instituto de Salud Carlos III; FEDER; Investigo Program from Generalitat de Catalunya [100008TC1]; UPV/EHU; [CM21/00041]
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