Autori: Spasic Andjelka
Naslov | Identification of atropine and scopolamine by HPLC in buckwheat flour contamination with Datura stramonium seeds (Meeting Abstract) |
Autori | Rancic Dragana S Spasic Andjelka |
Info | TOXICOLOGY LETTERS, (2009), vol. 189 br. , str. S234-S234 |
Ispravka | Web of Science Članak Elečas Rang časopisa Citati: Web of Science |
Naslov | Opiates determination in humour vitreous and urine by immnunochromatgraphic test and GC/MS method (Meeting Abstract) |
Autori | Spasic Andjelka Lukic Vera Spasic Milena |
Info | TOXICOLOGY LETTERS, (2008), vol. 180 br. , Suppl. Suppl. 1, str. S163-S163 |
Ispravka | Web of Science Članak Elečas Rang časopisa Citati: Web of Science |