Autori: Trotignon Nicolas
Naslov | Vertex elimination orderings for hereditary graph classes (Article) |
Autori | Aboulker Pierre Charbit Pierre Trotignon Nicolas Vuskovic Kristina |
Info | DISCRETE MATHEMATICS, (2015), vol. 338 br. 5, str. 825-834 |
Projekat | French Agence Nationale de la Recherche [ANR-13-BS02-0007, ANR-10-JCJC-HEREDIA]; EPSRC [EP/K016423/1]; Serbian Ministry of Education and Science [174033, III44006]; PHC Pavle Savic grant; EGIDE, an agency of the French Ministere des Affaires etrangeres et |
Ispravka | Web of Science Članak Elečas Rang časopisa Citati: Web of Science Scopus |
Naslov | Linear Balanceable and Subcubic Balanceable Graphs (Article) |
Autori | Aboulker Pierre Radovanovic Marko S Trotignon Nicolas Trunck Theophile Vuskovic Kristina |
Info | JOURNAL OF GRAPH THEORY, (2014), vol. 75 br. 2, str. 150-166 |
Projekat | Serbian Ministry of Education and Science [174033, III44006]; EPSRC [EP/H021426/1] |
Ispravka | Web of Science Članak Elečas Rang časopisa Citati: Web of Science |
Naslov | Graphs that Do Not Contain a Cycle with a Node that Has at Least Two Neighbors on It (Article) |
Autori | Aboulker Pierre Radovanovic Marko S Trotignon Nicolas Vuskovic Kristina |
Info | SIAM JOURNAL ON DISCRETE MATHEMATICS, (2012), vol. 26 br. 4, str. 1510-1531 |
Projekat | PHC Pavle Savic grant; EGIDE; Serbian Ministry of Education and Science; Agence Nationale de la Recherche [ANR 10 JCJC 0204 01]; Serbian Ministry of Education and Science [174033, III44006]; EPSRC [EP/H021426/1] |
Ispravka | Web of Science Članak Elečas Rang časopisa Citati: Web of Science Scopus |
Naslov | Combinatorial optimization with 2-joins (Article) |
Autori | Trotignon Nicolas Vuskovic Kristina |
Info | JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL THEORY SERIES B, (2012), vol. 102 br. 1, str. 153-185 |
Projekat | French Agence Nationale de la Recherche[ANR HEREDIA 10 jcjc 0204 01]; Serbian Ministry of Education and Science[11144006, 01174033]; EPSRC[EP/H021426/1]; PHC Pavle Savic; EGIDE; agency of the French Ministere des Affaires etrangeres et europeennes; Serbia |
Ispravka | Web of Science Članak Elečas Rang časopisa Citati: Web of Science Scopus |
Naslov | On Roussel-Rubio-type lemmas and their consequences (Article) |
Autori | Trotignon Nicolas Vuskovic Kristina |
Info | DISCRETE MATHEMATICS, (2011), vol. 311 br. 8-9, str. 684-687 |
Projekat | French Agence Nationale de la Recherche [ANR 10 JCJC 0204 01]; Serbian Ministry for Science and Technological Development [144015G]; EPSRC [EP/H021426/1]; EGIDE, an agency of the French Ministere des Affaires etrangeres et europeennes |
Ispravka | Web of Science Članak Elečas Rang časopisa Citati: Web of Science Scopus |