Autori: Vecerek Vladimir
Naslov | Effect of different types of exercise on salivary biochemical indices in the horse (Article) |
Autori | Hostovska Lucie Hostovsky Martin Nenadovic Katarina M Voslarova Eva Vecerek Vladimir |
Info | ACTA VETERINARIA BRNO, (2024), vol. 93 br. 3, str. 281-287 |
Projekat | Internal Grant Agency of the University of Veterinary Sciences Brno, Czech Republic [IGA VETUNI 205/2020/FVHE] |
Ispravka | Web of Science Članak Elečas Rang časopisa |
Naslov | Effects of the housing system and environmental enrichment on social dominance in laboratory male rats (Article) |
Autori | Nadenicek Jaroslav Voslarova Eva Vojtkovska Veronika Nenadovic Katarina M Vecerek Vladimir |
Info | ACTA VETERINARIA BRNO, (2023), vol. 92 br. 4, str. 381-387 |
Ispravka | Web of Science Članak Elečas Rang časopisa |
Naslov | Comparison of the incidence of kidney damage in cattle, pigs, sheep and goats detected at slaughterhouses as an indicator of animal health (Article) |
Autori | Valkova Lenka Voslarova Eva Becskei Zsolt Vecerek Vladimir |
Info | ACTA VETERINARIA BRNO, (2023), vol. 92 br. 3, str. 321-328 |
Projekat | ITA VETUNI [2021ITA22] |
Ispravka | Web of Science Članak Elečas Rang časopisa |
Naslov | Social housing promotes cognitive function and reduces anxiety and depressive-like behaviours in rats (Article) |
Autori | Nadenicek Jaroslav Voslarova Eva Vojtkovska Veronika Todorovic Zoran M Vecerek Vladimir |
Info | ACTA VETERINARIA BRNO, (2022), vol. 91 br. 4, str. 391-400 |
Ispravka | Web of Science Članak Elečas Rang časopisa Citati: Web of Science Scopus |
Naslov | Causes of admission and outcomes of brown hare (Lepus europaeus) leverets at wildlife rescue centres in the Czech Republic (Article) |
Autori | Lukesova Gabriela Voslarova Eva Vecerek Vladimir Nenadovic Katarina M |
Info | BMC VETERINARY RESEARCH, (2022), vol. 18 br. 1, str. - |
Projekat | ITA VFU Brno [FVHE/Vecerek/ITA2020] |
Ispravka | Web of Science Članak Elečas Rang časopisa Citati: Web of Science Scopus |
Naslov | Causes of admission, length of stay and outcomes for common kestrels in rehabilitation centres in the Czech Republic (Article) |
Autori | Lukesova Gabriela Voslarova Eva Vecerek Vladimir Vucinic Marijana M |
Info | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, (2021), vol. 11 br. 1, str. - |
Projekat | ITA VFU Brno [FVHE/Vecerek/ITA2020] |
Ispravka | Web of Science Članak Elečas Rang časopisa Citati: Web of Science Scopus |
Naslov | Trends in intake and outcomes for European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) in the Czech rescue centers (Article) |
Autori | Lukesova Gabriela Voslarova Eva Vecerek Vladimir Vucinic Marijana M |
Info | PLOS ONE, (2021), vol. 16 br. 3, str. - |
Projekat | Internal Creative Agency of the University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno [FVHE/Vecerek/ITA2020] |
Ispravka | Web of Science Članak Elečas Rang časopisa Citati: Web of Science Scopus |
Naslov | Investigating Some of the Factors that Affect the Selection of Shelter Cats by Adopters in the Czech Republic (Article) |
Autori | Kubesova Katerina Voslarova Eva Vecerek Vladimir Vucinic Marijana M |
Info | ANTHROZOOS, (2017), vol. 30 br. 4, str. 623-633 |
Ispravka | Web of Science Članak Elečas Rang časopisa Citati: Web of Science Scopus |
Naslov | Transport-induced mortality in Pekin ducks transported for slaughter in the Czech Republic (Article) |
Autori | Voslarova Eva Hytychova Tat 'ana Vecerek Vladimir Nenadovic Katarina M Bedanova Iveta |
Info | ACTA VETERINARIA BRNO, (2016), vol. 85 br. 2, str. 205-212 |
Ispravka | Web of Science Članak Elečas Rang časopisa Citati: Web of Science Scopus |
Naslov | Comparison of selected haematological and biochemical indices and behaviour patterns of pheasant hens kept in different housing systems during the laying period (Article) |
Autori | Voslarova Eva Bedanova Iveta Radisavljevic Katarina Hrabcakova Petra Marsalek Petr Vecerek Vladimir |
Info | BERLINER UND MUNCHENER TIERARZTLICHE WOCHENSCHRIFT, (2015), vol. 128 br. 9-10, str. 355-361 |
Projekat | Veterinary Aspects of Food Safety and Quality [MSM6215712402] |
Ispravka | Web of Science Članak Elečas Rang časopisa Citati: Web of Science |